Auto technicians are one of the main building blocks of a successful auto service centre. They have training and experience that can’t be surpassed by any other method than by spending time in the auto shop, and working on vehicle repairs. 

At Simplicity Car Care, our technicians are equipped with the necessary qualifications, certifications, and ongoing education programs to ensure they’re up-to-date with the latest repair techniques, technologies, and industry standards. It’s important to the customer, just as much as it’s important to the Simplicity Car Care franchise that technicians are leveraged.

What does an auto service technician offer?

Reputability and trustworthiness

Because auto service technicians must have the proper certifications and qualifications, they can be trusted. Customers won’t have to question whether or not their technician is capable of making the repairs, let alone work in an auto shop. Their expertise means customers won’t have to second guess handing them their vehicle.


A notable difference between technicians with and without the proper credentials is productivity. Vehicle diagnostics and repairs take time. They can also be very technical, complicated, time-bound, and specific. 

Certified auto technicians have the tools and background to make educated decisions, know how to proceed, and know which tools/equipment to use that will be most efficient. A good team of technicians will boost the productivity rate of an auto body shop since there’s less questioning, deliberating, and consulting to do.

Knowledge and expertise

One of the benefits of participating in the Simplicity Car Care franchise is that there’s an emphasis on continuous learning and improvement. Our auto technicians have top-notch expertise because they’re consistently consuming new, relevant information. On top of that, they have the franchise as a backbone with all the support, resources, and experience it has to offer.

How does the franchise benefit?

Improved operations

Working with certified auto technicians creates a better working environment and streamlined processes. Following the guidelines and standard operating procedures that Simplicity Car Care has in place, we and all of our franchisees can create smoother working conditions that not only improve employee morale, but also improve the customer experience.

Customer appeasement

Experienced auto service technicians have the interpersonal skills to discuss car diagnostic tests with their customers, making the results clear and actionable. Whether the customer is frustrated due to their unforeseen circumstances, or perfectly satisfied, experienced technicians understand how to navigate sensitive situations.


Since technicians are such a foundational part of auto service shops, it’s with their help that the reputation of the company is upheld. Hiring certified technicians with expertise in various fields promotes the business as a place that can solve any customer problem.

How to ensure auto technicians remain relevant

Technicians must stay on a learning curve to remain competitive in the industry and up-to-date with industry standards. That’s why the following steps are taken by the Simplicity Car Care franchise in concert with our knowledgeable technicians.

1. Technology, trend, technique, and innovation updates

Because technology is constantly evolving, so too are trends, techniques, and new innovations in the auto service industry. Reputable technicians will be in a constant state of learning to ensure they’re always using the best methods for auto repair, and are aware of any changes in the industry that might improve their processes.

2. Consistent training, education, and new opportunities

No technician will remain stagnant in their career. There will always be opportunities to learn new skills to better serve their customers and offer the best repairs possible.

3. Two-way value and communication

Between the company and the technicians, there should always be value for both sides and clear communication channels. This will help address needs, employee morale, expectations, and new opportunities.

Raising the industry standard with Simplicity Car Care

Whether your auto body shop is looking for a solid franchise to join, or you’re a customer in need of post-collision auto repair services, Simplicity Car Care is the right choice. With over eighty locations around Canada, there’s a location ready to help you. Book an appointment today to see one of our certified technicians.