As we all got back on the road after driving minimally over the pandemic, the statistics on auto accidents were bad and weren’t expected to get any better. In August 2022, The Washington Post reported that 2022 was shaping up to be the deadliest year on the roads in the past twenty years. This article looks at the statistics from 2022 and what we can take away to make our roads safer.

2022 car accidents at a glance

Key statistics around driving in 2022 paint a pretty grim picture.

Common trends in 2022

Analysis of the data revealed certain trends that emerged in 2022 and these trends were contributing to the increased numbers.

Distracted driving

Distracted driving kills over three thousand people every year. Despite bans on cellphone use while driving, the Ontario Provincial Police department cites cellphone use while driving is linked to 79 percent of vehicular deaths. It’s not just talking on the phone. Many drivers admit to sending texts and emails while driving.

Alcohol-related accidents

Alcohol and driving shouldn’t  mix. In 2022, however, the OPP saw a 36 percent increase in alcohol and drug-related deaths on the roads.

Too fast

Less congestion on the roads seems like a boon, but it also means people are free to drive faster. About 26 percent of all fatal accidents involve speeding drivers; so, this trend makes the roads more unsafe.

Risky behaviors

Seat belts have been saving lives since they were invented, but some people still forget or even refuse to wear them. Transport Canada says seat belts can reduce the likelihood of death in a collision by 47 percent.

Vehicle issues

Problems with vehicle defects accounted for 10 percent of accidents, making vehicular repair and maintenance a significant issue in 2022. A study from 2018 suggests that drivers don’t understand how to maintain their vehicles properly and that an estimated 68 percent of cars on the road have one significant problem.

What to take forward to 2023 for safe driving

Takeaways? As we move into 2023, drivers should think about safety when behind the wheel. This means wearing a seat belt, putting down the cell phone, driving under the speed limit, and avoiding alcohol and drugs when driving. Other tips include ensuring you’re giving yourself a safe distance of at least a two-second count between you and the car in front of you.  

Police departments are already doubling down on enforcement, and municipalities are looking at road design to see if they can calm and slow drivers down.

How can Simplicity Car Care lend a hand?

If you find yourself in an accident, think of Simplicity first as your one-stop car care experts. Simplicity will assess your damage, fix it, and paint your vehicle so it’s as good as new—guaranteed. And if you’re wondering if your car is safe for the road, drop into a Simplicity Car Care location near you  for an assessment of roadworthiness and give your car the tune-up it deserves. Contact Simplicity Car Care for a car repair appointment today.