Obtaining Original Equipment Manufacturer Certifications for your shop is a hotly debated subject.  Is it worth it? Does it make a difference? Will it increase your sales?

Here are a few reasons why getting certified can have a positive effect on your business:


  • Advanced Equipment and Technology

Getting your shop certified means that you are staying up-to-date on the latest equipment and technology available in the field.  This is not only valuable to your insurance partners but to your customer as well. Educate your customer on what this means for them and their vehicle repair.


  • Training

Another perk in getting certified is the access you will have to specialized training.  This will keep your employees updated on how to conduct repairs as per manufacturer specifications.  Superior repairs means superior customer service. Not only will this keep your customers happy and loyal but will also increase their referrals.


  • Specialized Marketing

OEM certifications give you the ability to market your business as a specialist in that brand.  This is definitely attractive to your customer and your insurance partners. Your customer will feel confident leaving their vehicle in your hands and is more likely to opt for your facility as opposed to the dealership.


  • Elevated Standards

Last but not least, OEM certifications will elevate your shop standards.  Your employees will be held to a higher standard of repair with the advanced equipment, technology and training available to them.  This will create an overall effect of exceptional repairs and service.


If you are interested in learning more about Simplicity and our systems, click HERE and fill out the form. We will be happy to connect with you to help!