Regrettably, many car accidents can be avoided by driving conscientiously. With over 5 million car accidents and over 38,000 deaths per year, driving responsibly can literally mean the difference between life and death.
Most common bad driving habits
Bad driving habits are a major cause of accidents on the road, and every driver needs to be aware of them to stay safe. While some bad habits may seem harmless, they can actually have severe consequences if you don’t address them. Some common bad driving habits that all drivers should avoid are listed below.
Distracted driving
Distracted driving is hazardous as it removes your ability to focus solely on what’s happening on the road. Distracted driving includes texting or talking on a cell phone, eating, drinking, or putting on makeup.
Driving over the speed limit reduces your ability to stop safely or avoid pedestrians or other traffic. Speeding is one of the top causes of traffic fatalities.
Following too closely behind another vehicle is an incredibly reckless habit that puts everyone on the road in danger due to its potential for causing rear-end collisions or worse if someone has to brake hard ahead without warning suddenly.
Ignoring traffic signs and signals
Ignoring traffic signals includes running red lights and stop signs and failing to obey yield signs. It also includes ignoring turning signals when appropriate situations arise. Ignoring traffic rules not only endangers lives but also leads to hefty fines depending on the severity level of each case.
Improper lane changing/merging
When changing lanes, always check your mirrors to ensure no car is approaching nearby quickly; otherwise, merging into the lane will lead to a collision resulting in serious injuries.
Drunk driving
Operating any car or truck under the influence of alcohol is reckless and endangers your life and the lives of other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.
How bad driving habits lead to auto collision
A driver failing to pay attention or follow traffic laws significantly increases their chances of getting into an accident. Not only is the driver less able to stop safely, but also other drivers will be making decisions based on what they expect you to do. In cases of confusion, accidents can happen. Driving recklessly doesn’t consider weather conditions and creates even more dangerous situations.
For example, running a red light or failing to yield right-of-way puts the driver at fault and could also lead to serious injury to other motorists and pedestrians. Additionally, distracted driving has become increasingly common over recent years and can be especially dangerous because distracted drivers do not see what is happening around them.
How to change your driving habits for the better
Are you looking for ways to become a better driver? Whether you’re just starting or have been driving for years, it’s essential to ensure your driving habits are safe and responsible. Here are some tips on changing your driving habits for the better.
Avoid distractions: Leave your phone out of reach so you’re not tempted to use it and stay focused on the road. If you have to put on makeup or are hungry, pull off to the side of the road and proceed when it’s safe.
Follow traffic laws: Traffic laws are developed to keep us safe. Following them will help us all get home safely.
Slow down: Take your time and stay under the speed limit. Shaving a few minutes off your journey isn’t worth the risk.
Don’t drive under the influence: Don’t drive if you’re under the influence of drugs, including alcohol. Different municipalities have different rules about what constitutes inebriation, so follow the laws in your city or state.
If you’re in an accident, contact Simplicity Car Care to find an auto collision center that specializes in auto collision repair, from towing to appraisal to reporting to finally getting you back on the road.
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